
Monday 10 September 2018

How Many People are on Earth?

For this task, we were to pick out a task from:              Wonderopolis Planet Earth and summarise the text.

I chose: How Many people are on Earth?

The Earth is covered in humans. We're everywhere from the Americas to Africa to Oceania. If you wanted to know how many humans are on planet Earth, you may be surprised to hear the population of the planet is over 7 billion!

Where do all the 7 billion people live? The 10 most populated countries include China, India, U.S.A, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Japan. Surprisingly, China and India together account for about two and a half billion people! Today, the world's population continues to increase. This due to the fact that more babies are being born than people are dying out. Scientists believe that the population reached 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) around 1804. It did not reach 2 billion until 1927 - a period of over 120 years.  With advancements in technology, less people will be dying, which means a higher birth - death ratio. Scientists estimate that the population will reach around 11 billion around 2100.

Even though the Earth is covered 70% in water, there's plenty of room for people. Scientists estimate that if all 7 billion people stood shoulder - to - shoulder, they would only fit in a space as big as Los Angeles. If you wanted the same 7 billion people to be able to roam freely, they would only fill an area as big as Rhode Island. If space isn't the problem, then what is? The problem is the fact that the Earth may not have enough natural resources to sustain all those people. Every new person needs food, water, shelter, and much more, not to mention the waste